Hala Stulecia Wrocławskie Centrum Kongresowe (WCK)
Wrocław , Wrocław

About venue
Centennial Hall complex It lies on the edge of Szczytnicki Park - the oldest and largest (over 100 hectares) park in Wrocław. It is a unique place for conferences, congresses, training sessions, seminars, sports and cultural events, capable of accommodating up to several thousand participants.
Conference rooms:
Wrocławskie Centrum Kongresowe, which is part of it, is a modern conference facility with well-equipped rooms: auditorium (up to 989 people), multifunctional (from 300 to 1000 people), four conference rooms - 140 people each, four smaller meeting rooms (up to 20 people) and the VIP zone.
Two spacious foyers (345 m2 each) and two dining options, as well as the immediate vicinity of the Multimedia Fountain, will provide comfortable conditions for participants of events organized in this place.
The capabilities of the facilities are the organization of:
- Sports events - even for 10,000 people. The facility is equipped with professional cloakroom facilities for players, meeting the requirements of international organizations, a sports lighting system and a sound system for commentators
- Concerts and shows - the space can be arranged in an original, unconventional way with the use of modern scenography and sound and lighting equipment. The motherboard willingly hosts concerts in various configurations (standing, seated, mixed). More intimate events (up to 1000 people) can be organized in the Seated Auditorium Hall (989 people) or the Standing Multifunctional Hall (900 people) The Pergola is often used to organize outdoor festivals (up to 7000 people
- Balls and banquets - under the dome of the Centennial Hall or in the Multifunctional Hall - glazed, with a view of the picturesque Pergola and the Multimedia Fountain, with the possibility of connecting to an external tent, as well as two terraces and restaurant spaces;
- Trade fair with full exhibition facilities, professional service and recognizability of the facility. Because there are many conference rooms, exhibition facilities and market halls in the country. But there is only one Centennial Hall;
- Congresses and conferences - for these purposes, they perfectly adapt to any requirements: the Congress Center and the Pergola and Plac pod Spire;
- Outdoor events - The organizers have at their disposal spaces integrated with the Wrocław Congress Center - terraces: viewing, indoor or outdoor, areas directly adjacent to the Multifunctional Hall and the Auditorium. It is an ideal place to organize company picnics, promotional events, music festivals, gastronomic events, sports events, fairs, exhibitions and even opera performances. The uniqueness of the facility is emphasized by the historic Pergola and the Multimedia Fountain, the largest in Poland, located in its very heart.
Konflinx will create an offer for you tailored to your individual needs, wishes and budget at this property! Send us your inquiry!
Conference rooms
Sala Audytoryjna

Sala Wielofunkcyjna

Sala Konferencyjna A

Sala Konferencyjna B

Sala Konferencyjna C

Sala Konferencyjna D

Sala Spotkań A

Sala Spotkań B

Sala Spotkań C

Sala Spotkań D

Salon VIP